You want to find all messages that have been quarantined in the last two days.
Get-MessageTrace -EndDate (Get-Date) -StartDate (Get-Date).adddays(-2) -Status Quarantined |
Sort-Object -Property RecipientAddress |
Format-Table -GroupBy RecipientAddress
Get-QuarantineMessage -EndReceivedDate (Get-Date) -StartReceivedDate (Get-Date).adddays(-2) |
Select-Object -Property RecipientAddress, SenderAddress, Subject, PolicyName, MessageId |
Sort-Object -Property RecipientAddress |
Format-Table -GroupBy RecipientAddress |
Out-Host -Paging
You will have an issue of messages being placed in quarantine when they should be delivered to a mailbox.
False positives are common when both AntiSpam and AntiPhish policies send messages to quarantine.
In a small organization, you can scroll through the quarantined messages for each user.
By showing all the messages, you may find a sender being flagged for all recipients.
Removing the -GroupBy
parameter results in output that is dense but still readable.
Consider sorting by SenderAddress or Subject if you looking for false positives in the dense table view.
Add the -RecipientAddress
parameter to the first line of either solution for targeted results.
In Solution 2, the second stop in the pipe is the Select-Object
returns many properties.
When piping to the Format-Table
the properties you want may not be visible.
I have found this recipe works best when I explicitly select the properties I want to see.